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How to start a Monday

February 23, 2015

Good Morning! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready to hit this Monday like a whirling dervish but... for those of you that aren’t? Don’t panic, I have got you totally covered. I think everyone suffers from Sunday or Monday blues at one time or another, I know I do. You don’t want to go to bed on Sunday night and you sure as hell don’t want to wake up on Monday morning. It starts as a battle with the snooze button, the day drags on and on, you find yourself clock watching and it eventually ends with you in a salty heap wishing you hadn’t wasted an entire day being unproductive and a grumplestiltskin.

Getting off to a false start on a Monday can set you up for a pretty crappy week too. Productivity sinks to an all time low and instead of being awesome and working your way through the week with vigour and determination, you tend to drag yourself from day to day all the way to finish-line Friday and then blow me down if you don’t repeat it all the next week.

Well, I am here to try and help you change that…today…like, right now! Most of you will be reading this at your desks or maybe even sneakily on your phones, some of you may be reading this from your dining room table, your home office or from your morning coffee spot… either way it is not too late!

Get some sunshine

Even if you are in the middle of a building or bogged down at your desk. Get up, go to a window and look outside. Watch the light reflect off everything, look at the sky, watch the birds…just soak in a bit of sunshine. If you are lucky enough to go outside and soak up a little Vitamin D, do that! Getting a bit of sunshine or even just watching the world outside your workspace can just give you a gentle reminder that life is all just one big thing, what is out there is in here too.

Get your caffeine fix

I know everyone enjoys something different in the morning, either way it is great to start your Monday with a little kick! I know my mothers eyes only open once she has that first cup of coffee and I am more of a hot english breakfast tea kind of girl myself. Whatever your poison, get it!

Have a good breakfast

Not everyone is a breakfast person, I know that! But start your day with S O M E T H I N G! Your body needs fuel to get going and by not having breakfast you are only depriving yourself of much needed Monday vooma. I like to have a poached egg on a slice of rye or some All Bran with raisins but you could have a smoothie or a yummy banana too.

Find a positive saying for your fb wall

I know this sounds a bit dumb, but I find it really helps me buck up my attitude! I always like to find a beautiful and inspiring quote for my day and stick it up on my Facebook wall. This kind of forces me to fulfil it and not be "bleh" about the day. Whatever you do…don’t search "Monday quote" because all you will find is many stuff about how everyone wishes it were Friday! That doesn’t help!

Listen to a great song that motivates you

Something about a great song just makes you feel like you can take on anything! It might not even be a song that you would USUALLY be into, it may be an old classic or it could be your absolute favourite artist. Find a song that gets you in the feels. Taylor Swift is obviously my go to, but Icona Pop - I love it and (weirdly?) G.R.L - Ugly Heart are also on my list!

Make a list

My mom will laugh here and so will Darren. I love making lists. Making lists WORKS guys! Making lists of things you have to do in a day will really push you to tick every last box and your tasks always seem more manageable when they are in a neat little row. I like to make my lists in a notebook so I can keep track of what I have done in the week, otherwise I leave sheets of paper… everywhere.

Plan something fun / exciting / rewarding for the end of the day

There is nothing worse than just living your life for the weekend and the weekend alone. We are all guilty of it! We plan everything for Friday night / Saturday / Sunday and then mope around until then. Why can’t you catch a movie after gym on a Monday? Whats the deal with not making a blanket fort to eat your sushi in? Give yourself something to look forward to on a Monday after work. Whether it is a guilty pleasure like a long bubble bath or just something simple like reading a few chapters of your favourite book, it will help you get through the day!

Get Busy

The last step is to just get BUSY! Klap that list, do that work, crush those meetings, quote those quotes! You can’t just plan and self motivate the whole day, at some point you need to just get hella busy and make this Monday count! Just think, the faster and more efficient you are today, the closer you are to that special something you have planned for yourself later :)

I hope this helped. I know it might seem like a little late in the Monday to do this...but it’s not, you are going to be straight up killin' it today, I can tell ;)



Jordyn 'Duffymoon' Burne

Hello, I'm Duffymoon, seeker of all things magic. I am a passionate vegan foodie, obsessed with curating and creating beautiful things and a penchant for the dramatic.